Site icon The Oakland County Child Killer

Barry L. King

My Dad’s spirit left his body late this afternoon. He crossed over and joined my Mother and my brother Tim.

He struggled with a motor neuron disease, diagnosed in August. He quickly lost the ability to speak and to swallow. He understood his diagnosis and prognosis and continued to communicate with written notes and “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.” As of early fall, he was still walking outside with his walker.

My Dad wrote a note a week or so ago that said “I’ve had a good life, except for what happened to Tim.” His wife was an angel to him and he died at home, in his own bed on his own terms.

He was a warrior for justice for his son Tim. He conducted himself with dignity and just wanted the truth. He wanted someone in law enforcement to look him in the eyes and tell him the truth. He had such faith in law enforcement and in people doing the right thing until the awful, dawning realization that those in power deceived him and all of us and dishonored the child victims of the child killers in Oakland County. He was disrespected and lied to by prosecutors, judges, appellate judges, police chiefs, police and detectives. He did not back down but the obvious failures by these people and agencies were a deep wound on his soul. Yet he kept after it.

Thank you to those who tried to help advance his quest for justice for his son Tim. Thank you to those who supported him, even if just in spirit.

In his memory, if you could perform a random act of kindness in the next few days, this would help mitigate the treatment he received by Oakland County and the State of Michigan. The world could use a little kindness right now.

My Dad would have been 90 on March 11. He took the high road in the face of true evil. I am inspired by this and I hope you are, too.

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