To order the DVD, Decades of Deceit

The cost is $20, payable to The Tim King Fund.  Send your name, address and check to:

The Tim King Fund

1509 Yorkshire Road

Birmingham, MI  48009

As I said in an earlier post, if the cost is at all prohibitive, message me here or make a comment headlined “DO NOT POST,” give me your name and address and I will see that you get a copy.  I have two such requests to fill thus far, and I will get to it ASAP.  I am not ignoring you.  


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10 thoughts on “To order the DVD, Decades of Deceit”

  1. Hello Cathy, I just recently found this blog and was wondering if this DVD is still available. I wasn’t sure since this post is nearly a year old. I am interested in purchasing a copy. Thank you for your time and I send my condolences to you and your family.

  2. Hi, I just became aware of your plight and was wondering if dvds are still available… thanks and good luck

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