Oakland Sheriff’s sting nets three accused child predators

The internet lets child sex predators not only operate far and wide but also share advice about how to avoid getting caught, a Michigan sheriff says.
— Read on www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2022/07/11/oakland-sheriffs-sting-nets-three-accused-child-predators/10033284002/

The underbelly of Oakland County. At least the sheriff is on it now. Thanks to a reader.

Another heartbreaking story about the murder of 5-year-old Anne Pham in Seaside, CA and the arrest of a suspect 40 years later.

If you subscribe to the NYT or can get around the paywall, read the article “40 Years Later, Nevada Man is Charged With Murdering a 5-Year-Old Girl.” I posted about this case last week (on what would have been my brother Tim’s 56th birthday). https://catherinebroad.blog/2022/07/09/more-evidence-that-it-can-be-done-and-its-never-too-late/. But this NYT article from yesterday contains many more important observations and facts about how the murder of this young girl was solved with a single strand of hair and how law enforcement agencies cared enough to find her killer. I am traveling, or I would have scanned this article to post.

The OCCK case is the “Mount Everest” of Michigan cold cases. But nobody currently in law enforcement (police agencies and prosecutors) cares enough to solve the case. Look away. Nothing to see here.

Thanks to a reader.

Investigation: Macomb prosecutor made sexual statements, used staff

A nine-page memorandum lists complaints, findings and recommendations of a workplace investigation into Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido.
— Read on www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/macomb/2022/07/12/lucido-investigation-macomb/10033559002/

Quit electing freaks to public office. His predecessor recently reported to prison. What is up with Macomb prosecutors? Get a solo job in the private sector. No secretaries or paralegals for you.