Topix, back when it was a free-for-all.


Almost 10 years ago, the OCCK case was discussed a lot on a Topix forum. I thought it was a mostly disturbing forum. People fought and got personal and crazy. It felt like there were predators on the site, posting away and checking in. But there were many people who had a sincere interest in the case and in the discussion. I have hundreds of pages copied from that site. The forum was eventually taken down.

Check out two of the pages I copied back in 2011. A poster poses the group killings scenario and makes great suggestions–hey, if you are really serious COLD CASE investigators, break this thing down–Cass Corridor, Fox Island, the OCCK, John McKinney’s murder in August 1977 and Chris Busch’s “suicide” in November 1978. And while you are at it, look at each of the four OCCK cases in isolation. As the poster states–if a group was actually involved, you might not get the same players with each of the kids.

But those very valid suggestions only work if an agency is actually serious about solving these crimes and taking a long, hard look at what happened in each of those situations SO IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN, RIGHT UNDER YOUR SUBURBAN-ASS NOSES and so that society learns about how victimization of children thrives long-term when people sweep this shit under the rug.

The person who was “just thinking out loud” on a Topix forum had more clarity than the task force. I know that’s hard for you to believe.

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10 thoughts on “Topix, back when it was a free-for-all.”

  1. So glad to hear that Topix was demolished. After the crazy woman started scoping me via the internet with her police spying mechanism I stopped reading or posting.
    I still think there may be a link between the Ontario cases and OCCK. I hope our very astute friend at U. of W.O. is thinking about it.
    And New Year’s is very soon. LET’S DO THIS THING IN 2020.

    1. Topix was a cesspool and it only got worse as the years went on. I stopped posting because it seemed the posters got crazier and crazier. Of course, I did not post under my name but, I was there for a few years. But Cathy is right, there were some theories floated that may well have been spot on.

  2. This is so important. This is your missing piece.

    The username “EnoughAlready” will be found to be Donald Gene Harden…I know this mans work…Is there a way to verify that?

    1. I don’t think there is a way—this Topix forum is long gone. But I remember EnoughAlready posting numerous times. I will go through the many pages I printed from the site and see what I can find.

      1. Hi, you may be able to locate past posts/pages on Topix with the site “Wayback Machine” if you have specific urls saved on your other documents. Full of internet archives.

        I’m not familiar with the site but searched in general (assuming that’s what it may be) and it has archives all the way back to 1997.

        1. Ironically I have been working on that as well. It’s having the specific URL that is key and in all that I saved – the URLs I managed to not save. : (

  3. There is an article out there and I can’t locate it. It was about the MS investigation and the reason it was felt law enforcement was involved because every avenue the cops were looking into, it appeared to get sabotaged and appeared the perps were one step ahead.

    Was Ralph Cabot of the MSP really that incompetent or was he bought? He’s in his 90’s and lives in Florida. Wonder if he was ever called out for his colossal mistakes.

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