Nothing Stays Hidden Forever.

A friend sent me this link yesterday. A librarian from Michigan sent me the link today and added “I will never look at literary awards the same.” I appreciated the link and the sentiment.

“PARIS — One of France’s most prestigious literary awards, the Renaudot can change a writer’s career overnight. Prizewinners jump onto best-seller lists. Publishers earn bragging rights in a nation that places literature at the heart of its sense of grandeur and global standing.

A striking example is now a notorious one: Gabriel Matzneff, the writer whose career was revived with the award in 2013 before collapsing this year when a woman published a bombshell account of their sexual relationship when she was underage. He now faces a police investigation in a national scandal that has exposed how clubby Parisian elites long protected, celebrated and enabled his pedophilia.

Mr. Matzneff’s win was engineered by an elite fully aware of his pedophilia, which he had brazenly defended for decades. His powerful editor and friends sat on the jury. “We thought he was broke, he was sick, this will cheer him up,” said Frédéric Beigbeder, a confidant of Mr. Matzneff and a Renaudot juror since 2011.

The fallout from the Matzneff affair has rippled through France, dividing feminists and seemingly ending the career of a powerful deputy mayor of Paris. Yet the insular world that dominates French literary life remains largely unscathed, demonstrating just how entrenched and intractable it really is.

Proof of that is the Renaudot — all but one of the same jurors who honored Mr. Matzneff are expected to crown this year’s winners on Monday.”

This will cheer him up. Unbelievable.

As this clip from the soon-to-be-released podcast, The Clown and the Candyman, describes, nothing stays hidden forever and these monsters all followed the same playbook dating back to the 1970’s. 

In response to a reader who asked for some clarity on the pedophile “flow chart” and accompanying notes, found at pages 80 and 81 of the record of the Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Crime concerning Sexual Exploitation of Children, Dated May 23, 25, June 10 and September 20, 1977, I offer the following.

First, the pages can be accessed at

Second, if you have Marney Keenan’s book, The Snow Killings, read Chapter 5, The Sick Underbelly of the Beast. The flowchart is found at page 62 and is easier to read, although you still kind of need a magnifying glass for the smaller details. I can’t describe the details any better than she did, so you need to read that chapter carefully.

I recreated the drawing with the major details. There are additional details about the European network and the Church of the New Revelation, Inc. on the original drawing, but you will get the main idea. Michigan resident Francis (Frank) Duffield Shelden was a major, major player in the pedophile and child pornography rings that reached out internationally. His “legacy” still lives today in Michigan as this sick underbelly was left alone and it festered unabated, leaving victims littered along the way and a playbook that is addressed in The Clown and The Candyman.

Attached are relevant pages from the hearings and the summarized drawing of the flowchart.

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21 thoughts on “Nothing Stays Hidden Forever.”

  1. I’m 69. I’ll never forget the interview I had at Cranbrook when I was 17. Although I had already won a college scholarship I wanted to see if Cranbrook could/would match it. The interviewer looked a whole lot like Shelden. I have no idea who he was. When I was told I wanted to use art commercially I was told there was no place for me at Cranbrook. It was only for dilettantes I guess. How amazed I have been to learn that Cranbrook was a hotbed of abuse.

  2. Look at Roman Polanski, he’s still making movies and making money.

    Woody Allen. People still defend him.


  3. Hi Catherine, I am William Dorsch, a retired Chicago Homicide detective. I have been working for many years on John Gacy and his accomplices. Two cases in particular are from the Kalamazoo area. Jon Prestidge and Robert Winch were both victims, murdered in 1977. I would like to talk to you hoping that you may have connections to that area as I am trying to locate family and friends of the victims. My phone: 312-752-5966 Thank you Bill Dorsch

    1. Cathy… and William… I live in Kalamazoo now, for over 28 years. Not sure if you realized that Cathy! Or if that helps you, William.

  4. Cathy I posted the Flow chart on Facebook. It seems to be catching alot of eyes. Over 150+ comments. I sure hope we can start connecting more dots on this case. I think I posted it like 2 days ago? Either way I have not forgot about this case. I’ll always have your guys back and always pray for justice in this case.

    1. I deactivated my FB but would hop back on to see the comments – you never know how information can connect. What FB page is it on?

          1. The only good thing about that freak show Topix was that it educated me on how sick some people are. Dogs with a bone and no regard for anyone whatsoever. I always felt at some level that the old Topix forum as well as Helen’s sites not only got arm chair detectives riled up, but struck real nerves of people who had and still have reason to be nervous in this case.

  5. Hey Cathy can I ask you something. Do you know anything about some guy who is supposedly a ✌PI✌who is going around and claiming the OCCK is a single killer that also did the atlanta killings and the zodiac killings? This guy is in the Facebook group dispelling all kinds of well known information on this case and it’s a bit rediculous. His name is Alex Baber and he keeps making all sorts of bullshit claims and said he met with you and your family a few weeks ago? I hate that people do rediculous bullshit for attention that misleads people studying this case. Please let me know cuz I really wanna try to get some of these groups to do better with admins or moderators. We dont need people spewing lies about this case smh. Anyways please let me know what the deal is with this guy if you know anything about it

    1. I did listen to what Mr. Baber had to say. I cannot vouch for any of it, but am willing to share information with people who can establish themselves as legitimately investigating other crimes. That said, I do not have the bandwidth to deal with crimes and suspects from other jurisdictions. Michigan authorities will not help me. I rely on guidance from one retired detective and a retired FBI agent. If someone has a suspect or suspects, I am happy to add the names to the long list of potential suspects for cross-referencing purposes. If I have relevant information I will share it. But I do not have the bandwidth or the desire to do any more than that. I have found that in the past, if I am unable to advance someone’s cause it generally leads to some level of abuse or antipathy toward me. That has not been the case with Mr. Baber. I do not condone nor participate in any FB pages whatsoever or anyone’s theories about this case. Take a FB page on any subject with a big grain of salt. I am well past worrying about who committed these crimes–most of them are long dead. I am concerned about law enforcement enabling these monsters to operate freely and to leave the case “unsolved.” If you are a whistleblower for the OCP or the MSP, let’s talk.

  6. Regarding the flow chart, have all the initials been matched up with people? FDS is Sheldon, of course, but who is L. K. ? And would J.T. be Thwayte?
    Also, as I was going over some of the evidence reports something jogged my brain. A yellow soap liquid was listed. Didn’t most schools and churches have that smelly yellow castile soap flowing through every bathroom? It may be random but that stuck out to me.

    1. The handwritten “notes” appended to the flow chart, at page 81 of the hearing report describes “JT as Joe. Tazelaar (Josiah) and mentions his boyfriend Mark Schuck of Port Huron; DK as Donald Keller of Edmonds, Washington; as well as a Donald Sandberg of Phoenix, Arizona and a Jerome Rugg of NYC.

      Although this flow chart and the accompanying notes appear to be a road map for law enforcement, it seems nothing was done with this information, originally provided by Gerald Richards to law enforcement in December 1976, well before the House Committee hearings.

    2. JT is Josiah Tazelaar, from MI. DK is Donald Keller, Edmonds, WA. This according to p. 81 of Gerald Richards 12/76 notes as entered into the House Committee record at page 81.

      There was mention of yellow soap. There was also mention over the years, and perhaps in the newspapers back in the day about Phisohex and I recall police asking my mother if we used that soap. It was an antibacterial cleanser for skin and because it contained hexachlorophene which is rapidly absorbed through the skin, it was supposed to be used for infection control and not for regular use. It became a prescription drug around 1973.

      The cleanliness of the bodies seems more indicative of some forensic awareness rather than someone with OCD. Also, Marney Keenan’s book describes how pedophiles like Ted Lamborgine would force kids to shower and sometimes use enemas to destroy evidence.

  7. Crazy theories connecting the famous murder cases together. Retired homicide detective with some type of credentials. Approval of or at the very least an interaction with the victim’s family members. Growing discussion group on Facebook. Sounds like the mark of a best seller coming out. Whoooopppeeee!

    1. What I hate the most is that all these people forget that we lost our brother. You can be a “high functioning” victim and take this shit, but it gets really old. Facebook. Give me a break.
      The cops are mostly dirty; the exceptions take even more shit than we have; people are big cowards and won’t come forward; and truth dies yet again. If you have a theory and a suspect, have at it. You will hit the “blue wall,” that we have. I can’t make police respond to your concerns–they certainly did not respond to mine. I don’t owe anyone a platform. I want law enforcement and the prosecutors to answer for their crimes here. Most of the perpetrators here are long dead. They can’t hurt anybody anymore, but when law enforcement (FBI, MSP, OCP, B’ham, Bloomfield and Berkley PDs) operates the way they have in this case, it opens the door to incredible abuse of power and for a repeat in other situations. Dirty and in deep. It goes beyond incompetence. That is my view of it.

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