The Gateway Pundit Petitions Court to Unseal Epstein’s Alleged Client List

The Gateway Pundit has petitioned a New York federal court to unseal the suspected client list for the …
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2 thoughts on “The Gateway Pundit Petitions Court to Unseal Epstein’s Alleged Client List”

  1. Isn’t it so interesting that the privacy protection is paramount for the powerful and the rich. Frank Shelden had a deal with Gerald Richards to make sure his client list and files were destroyed to “protect his family” and two Michigan prosecutors dragged their feet so he could flee the country. Chris and H. Lee Busch had their privacy protected by prosecutors L. Brooks Patterson and Richard Thompson. But if you are a murder victim, all the world gets to know what happened to your body and your stomach contents at the time of death.

    1. There’s no dignity in being a murder victim, absolutely none. Everything about your life, your mind, your body, is exposed and open for discussion, debate and, sadly, titillation for some. I just hope all of you survivors hold on to and enjoy the most wonderful personal and private memories of the child or sibling you lost to the Oakland County Child Killer(s), and that you take some satisfaction in the fact that the day he(they) is revealed will be the last day of his(their) privacy and privilege.

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