15 thoughts on “Shocker.”

  1. They don’t care about solving the OCCK any more today than they did when the killings happened. Just more of the same. Pathetic, useless agencies and officials. They have absolutely no shame.

  2. Doesnt Suprise me and im very disspointed in Karen McDonald and im going to let her know that. I think this is a very interesting podcast, i dont agree with all of his theories but his heart is in the right place.

  3. I personally feel this guy is way off. He should have mentioned that Greene was in FACT in jail during Timmys abduction. Who were the composites of Fat ass Busch? Old man Sloan? Bald as a bat Lamborghine? 16 yr old blonde Gunnels? I don’t believe this guy has thought enough logically. He knows the basics of the case.

    1. Our LE Coffee group does agree about Greg Greene being out of jail until June of ‘77, like so much other info, there is conflicting evidence. Lamborgine was known for wearing wigs back in the day. We had an artist draw hair on a recent bald mugshot of his and it is spooky how much it is a dead ringer it is for the thick haired sideview mugshot from TK’s abduction site. Also to add to the info stack is that he frequented a restaurant close by to the HM/Chatham store. J Appleman hit it head on when he says from Children of the Snow, “I don’t think they want it Solved!”

      1. Lamborgine may have been the older man sitting in the Pontiac at Birmingham Drugs but, I feel it was either Greene or Hastings that matches the composite.

      2. Sorry you are wrong. It’s been proven that Greene was in jail on March 16, 1977. I suppose it’s a possibility that Lamborghine had a wig on and could have been the individual that abducted Timmy King. I personally feel it was JH that was the guy . He looked like the Composites Tina T. He would have been the only one that could lure a kid like that. From my understanding Timmy was warned numerous times on what to do if a stranger approached him. I get a strong feeling he wouldn’t have talked to a scum like Lamborghine and definitely not a Busch or Greene.

        1. Says you and from our position you can feel that way all you want to BUT there is proof from credible police officers who investigated this case hands on whose evidence says otherwise about Greene.,You can disagree all you want & feel JH is the perp and it won’t change the position of many!
          We all want JUSTICE but anger and nastiness doesn’t belong here because people have a dissenting view from yours.

          1. Some cops memories that Greene was out of prison at the time. That’s enough proof for me. LOL

            1. It has already been proven on here base on documents and by Cathy that Greene was in jail during Tim’s abductions. Cops memories is just not enough to provide any type of proof on anything especially from some 45 years ago and especially for this fumbled OCCK case. It’s almost laughable how this keeps coming back let alone Greene would have had to have surgery on his hairline as well to match the OCCK sketches from that time period. Some people have their minds set though. Whatever you say we’ll go along with it! LOL (Andy B. please come out with your podcast series where many of the interviews have already taken place in the past few years!)

          2. Again you are wrong. Catherine has posted numerous times, proving that Greene was in fact In jail at the time of Timmys abduction . Maybe you should go back and look at her blogs. Just saying

            1. I agree, I was just joking! I just made another post very similar to your statement above.

  4. Thanks to Eddie White for your work in this case and for CARING!!! I hope and pray for answers. I will contact MSP and Oakland County Prosecutors office.

  5. It’s also possible, that none of the composites depict the actual abductor(s).
    According to some witness accounts given to investigator Williams (and others), there were underaged boys without licenses – associated/ victimized by various pedos of that time, driving around by themselves or with their peer buddies. No adults in the vehicle.

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