Decades of Deceit starts on YouTube tonight.

Decades of Deceit, A True Story of the King Family Search for the Oakland County Child Killer, Unedited Comments, was filmed in April, May and July 2013. My Dad did his best to mail copies of the DVD to interested parties who donated $15 to the Tim King Fund, but we never got the audience needed to hear our story. To reach a larger audience we finally started putting it up on YouTube tonight. This could not have been done without the help of a person who has helped me greatly along the way after our paths crossed in this most horrible case. Thank you, A.

This DVD is seven years old and while dated, the background is still relevant. My deepest gratitude to attorney Lisa Milton, retired FBI agent William Beachum and attorney David Binkley for participating. No one who touches this case in any way is the same afterward. Thank you for your courage. It sucked to participate, I know that first hand.

You can view Children of the Snow on Hulu (2019) for a much more current and made for a t.v. audience expose on the case. This DVD was just my Dad’s attempt to get this all on the record before it was too late. We foolishly believed that the case would get some traction at that point. How’s that for an April Fools’ joke? Just last night he returned from the hospital where he had emergency surgery in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. He turned 89 in March. I often feel like law enforcement is waiting him–and all of us–out. The story still stands whether we are here to repeat it or not.

Chapter 1 of 31 now online. Stay tuned.

VOLUME 2, 2:1 – 2:5

More from the MSP FOIA response.

Volume 2:1–Gregory Woodward Greene records. “Just recently he stated he has accepted Christ and has cleansed his mind, and soul and inner-being.” Take a look at these horrifying records of a prolific and violent pedophile. Manipulative piece of shit.


2:2–Greene then on to Vince Gunnels

2-2, Greene then Gunnels

2:3–Phone call transcript with sister, continued. “There’s something good coming out of this, you hear me?”

2-3, Gunnels


2-4, Gunnels


2-5, Gunnels

That’s the first 5 of 26 files in Volume 2. Next up is a file that finishes up with Gunnels and moves on to the “Helen Dagner/John Hastings” information (some of it previously posted here).